Heidi Vanlandingham
author : Heidi Vanlandingham
Author Heidi Vanlandingham writes sweet, action-packed stories that take place in the Wild West, war-torn Europe, and otherworldly magical realms. Her love of history finds its way into each book, and her characters are lovable, strong, and diverse.\n\nGrowing up in Oklahoma and living one year in Belgium gave Heidi a unique perspective regarding different cultures. She still lives in Oklahoma with her husband and youngest son. Her favorite things in life are laughter, paranormal romance books, music, and long road trips.\n\nFor more information about Heidi go to www.heidivanlandingham.com, or you can find her on:\nFacebook:\thttp://on.fb.me/18AOiDE\nInstagram: http://bit.ly/Heidi-IG\nPinterest:\thttp://bit.ly/1JJFdsg\nGoodReads:\thttp://bit.ly/1O5TaAs\n\nWant to know more about Heidi or when her next book releases? Sign up for Heidi's Reader List: http://bit.ly/2GuDRoJ. \n